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Five Reasons the Perfect Murder Doesn't Exist

I write creatively and enjoy watching crime shows. Subsequently, I often think about writing about a perfect murder. There are so many current ways to be caught now, I simply don't believe it's possible unless you kill a complete stranger thousands of miles away. This type of murder, thankfully is rare. Most often when homicide is considered a viable option, it is someone known intimately to you. Besides the obvious fact that murder is an abnormal solution, it's highly unlikely you would successfully commit a murder, especially considering you find yourself here.

If you have enough anger or hut to kill someone, chances are motive would be easy to prove. Debt, money, love and sex are motives for murder on a daily, if not hourly occasion. One of the most frequent murder is that of a significant other, married or not. This is a person who has full access to both your life and your emotions. Unless both parties are super private people, there's issues on display on either social media or among friends and families. The only way this could possibly work in your favor would be if your partner was in the habit of having random anonymous sex in public places, which would put them at great risk for homicide. If your spouse does not actually do this, trying to set it up would be nearly impossible due to the multiple ways technology can be traced.

Video Cameras
Video cameras are everywhere! Since I am a creative person and write frequently, I often wonder if it is possible to kill someone without being captured either on home video systems or store cameras. Presently, the ONLY way I could leave my house would be to create a means of hopping several six foot fences to exit my area from the street behind my house. This of course does not mean the houses on that street don't have cameras or cameras with blind spots. This is what led to Chris Watts being caught transporting the bodies of his children and wife. In addition, most larger stores have cameras at check out for theft purposes. If you buy a shovel with cash, chances are good that you will be on camera checking out. In this day and age, unless you purchase your supplies with cash years in advance, you will likely be caught.

Friends, Family and Others
Chances are good other people in your mutual lives will be aware of intimate details of your life. Very little happens in a vacuum. Chances are good the object of your rage has shared the issues with someone other than you. Will you kill all them as well? That's a quicker way to be caught!

You're here on this blog because you searched perfect murder, which means you are already caught. Nothing on the internet is anonymous unless you happen to be exceptionally gifted at hacking and programming. Because of the invasive practices of Google and their shadow practices, a moderately trained technician can prove you performed searches related to committing the perfect murder. The only possible way to gain information without leaving a trail is to utilize a public library and read books in the library without checking them out. This of course, is not fool proof as the woman who tampered with Tylenol to kill her husband when her fingerprints were found on a book of poisons at the library on a relevant page. You've already searched so it's too late for you.

DNA can easily be found with recent advances in technology. You would literally have to shave your entire body and then utilize protective clothing that would trap any skin cells that might fall off your body. This works and is reasonable in Hollywood, but in reality, wearing a bio hazard suit would do nothing but draw unnecessary attention to your activity.

There are obvious reasons why murder is not the right path to take. The primary being that it will not actually stop your pain. You will continue to have pain after disposing of the source of your pain. You will only have compounded that pain with grief and guilt which would increase your anguish. Humans have the amazing capacity to convince themselves of many things. Murder will not stop your pain nor solve your problem. A messy divorce may cost you money, but money is something you can regain with time, and it's a very temporal asset.

You are better off moving on with your life and healing your wounds. Staying out of the criminal justice system is the best way to guarantee your success in building yourself and your life back up. Chances are good that your desire for Karma to pay that person a visit will be sizable for a time. At the end of the day, sometimes karma screams, but it tends to whisper far more frequently. The universe is always watching, all of us. Better to focus on what you may have done wrong or need to change. By investing more into your own life and less on the object of your scorn, you will find this person takes up less of your energy and time.


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