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Someone knows who she is....

In September, 2016, near Madisonville Texas, about 85 miles northwest of Houston (Southeast Texas) the body of a deceased child was found in a container. (Photos will be posted below, none that are not safe for viewing). If this child were average, I would imagine it would be entirely possible that she or he would never be identified, or at least not for a very long time. However, this is not the case. The child had been dead since April through June. This is what is known:

  • An autopsy was not able to definitively determine the child's age, sex or race, but dental records indicate that he or she was between 3 and 5 years old. I assume they believe she was a female because she was found in a pink 4t dress with butterflies and “follow your dreams” on it. In addition, her hair, which was brown or possibly black was twelve inches long.
  • The little girl’s remains suggested she had micrognathia, a condition where her lower jaw appeared small, which may have affected her ability to eat on her own. The skull was deformed and flattened on one side. The girl's head and face would have been asymmetrical. The left side of her face would have been more prominent. Micrognathia is associated with many other birth defects as well. Progeria is one of these and could account for the difficulty in determining her age.
  • A Mic-Key 14 FR 1.2 cm feeding tube inscribed with "AA4069F02" was found in/on/with her body.
  • Pollen analysis has suggested that the child may have been from or spent time in the southwest United States, specifically Southeast Arizona, or in the adjacent areas of Mexico.
  • The decedent is believed to be a White or Hispanic female between 2 and 6 years of age. I am currently researching the prevalence of jaw deformities in both races in hopes of figuring out which she may be. Jaw deformities can be associated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which makes the genetic research moot.
  • The diaper she was wearing would fit a child weighing between 22 and 37 lbs at her time of death.

Age (years)
Average (inches)
Range (inches)
Average (lbs.)
Range (lbs.)
27” - 31”
19 to 27.5
31.5” - 36”
22.5 to 32
35” - 40”
26.5 to 38

Since she had a feeding tube, and was not potty trained, it would be difficult to discern her age based on size and the clothing she was wearing. She could have been much older, especially if she had Progeria. A 4T dress (assuming it wasn't too small...) fits a child
38 - 41" tall and weigh 35 - 39 lbs. Having all of the above information indicates a fairly small child, regardless of his or her age.

I have created a flier with the above information in less detail along with the Sheriff's contact information and a way to contact me in PDF and JPG format.This has been posted in a separate post. Feel free to contact me using the contact form which you can access via the menu in the upper right hand corner, scrolling down after it opens.

If you can help spread the word to anyone you know in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, that would be amazing. We can get this done. This child is so unique, we should be able to find someone who knows her name and her parents. 


Clothing she was wearing and luggage she was in:

I will be working on this, and posting updates as things happen. If you want to help, I'd be happy to share the work :D


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