I get that you think you are special,
unique, and changing the world for the better. I really understand
your position. You need to know that it's important to be involved in
politics, it really is your civic duty. I'm impressed with your
position, but there's some things you need to know.
You aren't actually making a
difference. You are causing division during a time when we as
Americans living in this age need to come together more then ever
before. Your beating and violence do nothing but hurt individuals,
both physically and financially. The truth is as an adult in America,
the worst thing that can happen to you is to become physically
disabled after spending any amount of time working because you will
repeatedly be denied social security disability, but that is a story
for another time. Understand that YOU are doing this to human beings
simply over opinion. You should identify as a human FIRST, not avoid
the commonality we all hold.
I've done a lot of research. I've
watched many interviews with your members. You either didn't vote, or
you voted for someone who lost. That's how democracy works. We all
vote and those votes determine who wins. That's just how it works. If
you are upset about the outcome, why are you not out making sure your
peers are registered to vote and you can share your opinions with
them about who they should vote FOR. That's how you address this
grievance in a mature, responsible way that drives our society
forward, instead of physically assaulting people who did vote or
voted for a different party.
You should really look into a concept
of court called complicity. When someone gets killed, YOU could be
held responsible, even if you did none of the hitting. The definition
of complicity is: the state of being involved with others in an
illegal activity or wrongdoing. Understand you too can be charged
with murder. Recently a young lady was charged with three counts of
homicide because she was the get away driver to a home invasion where
all three robbers were killed by the homeowner, who was home when
they broke into his house. It's hard to change the world when you are
sitting in prison.
Every generation before yours has
rebelled against what they felt their parents stood for, as you are
currently doing. It's hard to imagine, but you'll outgrow this in
time. You will move to relying on facts not feelings. You will find
organizations that are doing things you want to be involved in (like
literacy, fighting poverty, crime etc.) and you will move to
investing your energy into those things. That is the natural cycle of
life, we all did it and so will you.
Not convinced you could be charged with
murder? Google one punch murder, and read the results. It happens
more then you think and at the end of the day when you go to court,
they won't care why you did it. Someone is dead and someone has to
pay for that in regard to justice. Your opinion won't matter and it
won't sway the judge or jury.
The Patriot Prayer Group is NOT a white
supremist organization at all. They are multi racial, representing
people from the LGBTQ community, disabled people. Stop relying on the
media (who is fueling your rage) and do your OWN research. That's
called being an adult, not being blind. I don't take anyone's word
for anything. If someone tells me about something, I do my research
and I form my own opinion about it. It would be even more tragic if
you went to prison because you believed everything you were fed
without verifying information.
Just stop, people are going to get
tired of your tactics and you won't feel so victorious when you are
facing criminal charges and other humans are in fact dead.
Feral Blue Chicken
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