BLM has many fundamental issues which have been listed many other places, so I'll avoid even the most obvious to get to the heart of this post. On Sept. 10, 2017, Kenneka Jenkins attended a hotel party with friends, became very intoxicated and was left alone to her own devices, despite having close friends with her. Subsequently, she wandered into a walk in freezer, in the dark and was locked in. She died from hypothermia. This story got so much media attention, it was headlined for weeks. There were protests at the hotel and many conspiracy theories got air play, including the urban legend of organ theft that exists in the black community (the theory that whites steal organs from blacks when they need transplants). On April 25 of the same year, Semaj Crosby was reported missing by her family. She was later found dead inside a couch of the same home. CPS had visited the family the same day she went missing and no actions were taken despite the level of filth and lack of houseke...